Web Resources

Useful web links

Here are some links to help you along. 
Just Noticeable Differences … Donald Norman, the usability guru’s web page 

The Human Factors and Ergonomic Society… Worth a look if you do any HMI design. 
Coding Horrors … Jeff Atwood’s blog for programmers ANY programmers 
MKS man pages …The missing man pages for the MKS toolkit. Very useful and contains some neat hacks for UNIX scripts on windows, like dlg.
Custom essays – essay writing help, read more about buy essays opportunity. Link building service

Books you need

The Design of Everyday Things…Read this book if you create or build anything for others to use. It will change the way you look at things. 
Code Complete … Quite simply the best book on software design I’ve seen. It’s from Microsoft, and I still recommend it! -David Johnson  Amazon Link
sed & awk… Jeremy prefers Perl, but these are my rod & staff. They comfort me. 
Perl… for Jeremy 
Speaking of pearls… The funniest daily comic going. If you disagree, you’re wrong. 
Unix Power Tools… Not for the beginner, but if you have mastered the basics, this book will expose you to many mid-level hacks. Very practical stuff. 
The High-Performance HMI Handbook… Expensive but worth it. Some well-thought-out ideas on why your graphics aren’t very effective. Practical, easy to read, and good examples, but not easy to implement unless you can reverse years of status quo design. 
The Alarm Management Handbook… Same as above but for alarms. Even if you don’t agree with everything here (and you will with most), it’s a great starting point for getting alarming right. 

Jim Pinto’s Extensive reading list

Jim Pinto’s reading list…Man, he must have a lot of time to read!

When things go bad

Set Phasers on Stun…Really it’s just a control system; how bad can things get? — David Johnson 19:25, 14 Feb 2008 (CST)

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